Careers in Climate Change
Careers in Climate Change
The Career Center presents a panel on climate change careers, bringing different professionals to speak on their experiences and answer questions.
The Career Center presents a panel on climate change careers, bringing different professionals to speak on their experiences and answer questions.
Join Environmental Studies and Campus Operations to remove invasives along Reed Creek Greenway.
Come kick off Greenfest! Join us for activities, tabling, and more. Affiliates include the Bike Shop, Campus Rec, ASHE, Divest, Sunrise, Sierra Club, SEC, Office of Sustainability, and the Fair Trade Club.
FEI is a student-run organization devoted to providing free food, hygiene products, and non-perishable goods to the UNC Asheville community. Weekly distributions are held every Tuesday from 12-2pm on the Quad, and 5 pm - 7pm at Hyannis House. For more information, email the FEI at, or contact us on Instagram @foodequityunca.
Come enjoy lunch at Brown, highlighting our local produce providers Mountain Foods and Hickory Nut Gap. *Must purchase with a regular meal swipe or payment.
Join the semi-annual work day to beautify campus with Campus Operations! *Register every hour at table on Reed Plaza.
In conjunction with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC Asheville, Greenfest presents an EV show and panel discussion to deep-dive into the world of EVs. Both events are free and open to the public. *Registration is required for the panel discussion, which will take place 11:30 am - 1:30 pm in room 102 of […]
Come learn how to naturally dye fabric with locally collected materials. Part one: learn about plants and prepare your dye.
Join ACE and Outdoor Programs to learn how to Eco-Print using found natural materials to print images on canvas.
The River Runs On which follows conservationists throughout southern Appalachia as they struggle to manage two of the most important national forests in America - the Pisgah and Nantahala. The film revolves around the Pisgah-Nantahala Forest Plan, a plan the US Forest Service is finalizing that will dictate how these two national forests are managed for the […]
Join us to release monarchs on campus! Stay for a plant giveaway and cool monarch merch. *Official date to be determined due to monarchs being ready. Check back for updates and announcement of the date and time.
Celebrate with free Dynamite Coffee, our local coffee purveyor who supplies fair trade coffee to campus.
Learn how to naturally dye fabric with locally collected materials. Part Two: Dye a silk scarf! Drop in during the times above.
Join Campus Rec and Environmental studies on a canoeing trip! *Registration and payment required. Visit
Join Sunrise UNCA for a volunteer workday at Root Cause Farm (26 Joe Jenkins Rd, Fairview, NC 28730), where we will help out around the gardens! Root Cause Farm is a nonprofit food-justice-oriented farm that donates everything it grows. You must register via the link below to attend this event.