Sustainability Fair

Quad 1 University Heights, Asheville

Come kick off Greenfest! Join us for activities, tabling, and more. Affiliates include the Bike Shop, Campus Rec, ASHE, Divest, Sunrise, Sierra Club, SEC, Office of Sustainability, and the Fair Trade Club.

Free Food Distribution

Quad 1 University Heights, Asheville

FEI is a student-run organization devoted to providing free food, hygiene products, and non-perishable goods to the UNC Asheville community. Weekly distributions are held every Tuesday from 12-2pm on the Quad, and 5 pm - 7pm at Hyannis House. For more information, email the FEI at, or contact us on Instagram @foodequityunca.

Local Lunch*

Brown Dining Hall Brown Hall, Founders Dr, Asheville

Come enjoy lunch at Brown, highlighting our local produce providers Mountain Foods and Hickory Nut Gap. *Must purchase with a regular meal swipe or payment.